Znote AAC

This website is powered by the Znote AAC engine.

An OT website (Automatic Account Creator) created by Znote from the OT forum community otland.net.

Znote AAC is an open source project where everyone can help with development.


See the full list of developers HERE.

Thanks to: (in no particular order)

Chris - PHP OOP file samples, testing, bugfixing.
Kiwi Dan - Researching TFS 0.2 for me, participation in developement.
Amoaz - Pentesting and security tips.
Evan, Gremlee - Researching TFS 0.3, constructive feedback, suggestion and participation.
ATT3 - Reporting and fixing bugs, TFS 1.0 research.
Mark - Old repository, TFS distributions which this AAC was primarily built for.
Tedbro, Exura, PrinterLUA - Reporting bugs.
Nottinghster - OTHIRE distribution compatibility.

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1Gabi Ducas (48).
2Leiterinho (34).
3Leiteiro (21).
4tia (16).
5Tester Premium (11).
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